anything could happen in just seconds, but today still consider a goodie day.
Have u "Argh...." today? haha
Arghhhhh! i accidentally took the worng tube and washed off your sample leh!
Arghhhhh! smoke ar! why hydrochloric acid got smoke come out when open the cap! Oh no!
Arghhhhh! Pling Plang! 落地开花,富贵荣华
Arghhhhh! adui, Api ! Api! !
Arghhhhh! paper bag puncit! all things distributed on the road!
Arghhhhh! my key! reach house area but cannot enter!
Arghhhhh! i din bring my dompet! eat 霸王餐
as Amelie's saying goes, " an ARGH a day, keep the heart attack away!"
Have u "Argh...." today? haha
as Amelie's saying goes, " an ARGH a day, keep the heart attack away!"
everyday let u argghhh like heart attack also let u argghhhh till got...
haha u seems argh till veli hapi wor~~good lar no nid to stay in the tat place ad...gud luck ya ^^
hey, so hope to work with u again, at least we can crap the whole day. haha, now no longer can see u so often. missing u neh...
Vinc! u really free xia lo...
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