August 30, 2010

What is the reason being SHOPAHOLIC?

Oh Gosh
How? What? Why? When? Where?
I wish i have answers for these question.

 In fact, 
Being a shopaholic, my own reason.....hurm.....
i like the smile on your face, although the gift is as small as a finger of KITKAT chocolate!
I like to see you surprisde in joy,
I like your relief expression for a reward after ur hardwork
I like sharings, because it doubles the joy!
I like exploring new product inventions in the market
I like seeing new things
I like the colourful and variety goodies in the mall
I like seeing ppl walking around me

I enjoy shopping.  
Yes, undeniable TRUE! 
i memang like spending time in shopping mall, though sometimes my breathing problem get worsen due to the too cold environment
BUt, i understand that shopping is a bad habit 
$$ having the higher flowing rate than the running tap water! lol
But just hope to be myself... no changes no correction, this is ME!

August 28, 2010

CounterPain Toothpaste ==

心血来潮的,就6人行,杀到槟城一趟了。2辆车,同个目标,往"重量级"前进。 哈哈
到了槟城,看的是一栋栋的高楼大厦,吃的是赞赞的街头美食,讲的是流利的福建话,住的是简而洁的阿巴门。 这样的短短两天一夜,足以满足我们的流浪记。
char kuey tiao, char kuek gak, har mee, dim sum and etc... hurm.... 这些事物都会比较油腻。 让我印象最深刻, 且非常欣赏的是, 他们的食材斤两十足,一点都不吝啬。大大的虾,就是证据。哈哈。盘盘都被点缀着鲜而甜的肉肉虾, 引诱极了! 好棒哦!

但这次, 还真的因为吃太多虾,还真的变了大头虾。厉害到, 竟然把counter pain 当牙膏往嘴里塞!哦买伽! 真的是让人哭笑不得啊!结果整个舌头痛到麻了。 也不懂怎么办,心里急死了。 嘴巴都是辣辣刺痛的。那刻的我, 只想听到“没事的,没事的”努力哄着自己只是小事一宗。但不果。 他担心,他皱眉,他的不知所措, 让我感到害怕!让我觉得不安,忍住了框边的眼泪, 反而对他说没关系,我没事!
我明白他的担心,因为他觉得很无助,慌了,又帮不上我。 过去了,自己要当心点啦!还有那么遥远的路途,真不想拖累人,成为他的抱负!

August 11, 2010

Asthma Vs HyperactiveRespiratorySys

today was forced to the Pantai Specialist Hospital in Ipoh.  Yesterday, i experienced some breathing difficulties, which had persisted to the next morning.  Worries increased when i felt the chest pain too.

Walking into the hospital, we headed to the receptionist.  We were asked to go for a respiratory physician.  Waited for the doctor' for more than 3 hours.  suddenly the nurse told us to go for an X-ray scanning.  it was the doctor's  msg and we were asked to go back for his consultation after 2pm. 

X-ray a! Sounds serious leh.  hmm ,realised that, this is my 1st Xray scanning.  Coincidently, mama went to the loo when my name was anounced.  OMG, timidly i walked slowly towards the nurse. the Scanning was very very fast, took not more than 10 minutes.  relief.  at 1st, i even tot of those scanning which require us to lay down macam the dental visit. haha

then soon after that, my x ray film was out, n was reported Normal. No senget lungs too.. XD. Throughout the consultation, i was flooded with so many questions.  Dunno why, i felt myself started to confuse.  especially kept asked on the time and also the frequencies.  Many uncertainties arose and i became tongue twisted, only manage to reply with some silly smile.s  aiks.  his question memang make me speechless.  Yes or No also difficult giving! no joking

then the doctor finally concluded that, my respiratory system is hyperactive and very sensitive.  the bronchi or whatever thingy are too sensitive.  the respiratory passage closed up or narrowed in when there is some intolerable condition.  And my case was in the irregular patterns. 

Since no source was identified, option available is treating as the asthma.  Doctor prescribed the ventolin inhaler for me...He reminded me to go back for his consultation if the dose he suggested wasn't enough to cope with my condition.  if that happens, means that i really got the asthma. ><

DIY lantern

mid autumn is around the corner.  Everyone started to busy.  Many undone works.  During my return, still manage to kacau while play drawing with Grandpa. yoohoo

SInce we used to have our edition of lanterns, which are made DIY, we started making earlier before the arrival of the peak season.

Papa n workers will make the frame, passed to mama and auntie workers to wrap them up with colorful "glass" paper.  Then, grandpa will be assigned to write some chinese greetings or good wordings on the partially done lantern.  hurm...finally will passed to me for some 3-years old kid drawings....XD. finishing it with some flowers and borders ...><

ding ding ding, done!=]

August 05, 2010

Little motivation

Today i had an insomnia. Woke up since 4something. DUnno y, just a sense of worry. Perhaps, listening to my buddy, too many things bothering them. I am indeed lucky to be worry-lesser or worry-free compare to them.

Heart broken to see you all dull dull de. Thus, i made little animation over here, hoping that you gain back the confident. Life is full of obstacles. Pls, my fren, dun give up.

Cute little coconut only manage to give support. Jia you ar, my frens.
Esp for Dear Dear, Leng, Shirlen, Yuan, Laoda.
You are the closest fren i had. Meant lot to me. =)
Hope you enjoy the annimation...

August 04, 2010

wednesday - ideal for MIA?

middle day of a week 
a missing day for me, 
early morning woke up and IPOH flashed across my mind
when i can;t think of any activity for the day...={
misSING family, grandparents, parents, gorgor, n meimei
misSIng HIM too....keke 
misSing viLeng, her shoulder, her massage and her "kanasai"
missing shopping, >window shopping, air cond is main point <
misSing my dora-Tumbler too ><, which i broke yesterday 
perhaps a good day for myself missing-in-action

August 03, 2010

mourning for my lil doraemon tumbler... weeps

aiks,memang lun zhun,  tiring back to house in a sunny day. didn't notice i was holding my tumbler. my fav doraemon tumbler.  i loosen all things in my hand (i tot i was just holding my non-fragile bag) 

suddenly all water flashed on my feet and 2 squares of the tile flooded.. n OMG, my tumbler, severely injured
cracked tumbler
the bottom of the tumbler

sum tong a!!!!! weeps  =[

August 01, 2010


今天本来是要到马六甲一日游的。但是, 临时有事就没去到了。

今天行程还算满满的。 早上,到了警局帮朋友报失东东。看见他,也是有同情到, 自己的皮包掉了,其实最心痛的,原来是那个皮包,女友送她的生日礼物。  他自己也是有点点矛盾的。 觉得我也会像他那样慌了。 可能大家习惯抱着一种心态,期待奇迹的出现!哈哈
报警又会弄到大件事, 不报的话出街又会很麻烦。但是还是支持他去报了,反正报了,有那张警方的报告纸,做起事来也是较方便。还是衷心希望他能快快搞定那些遗失的文件了。

到了下午,就帮朋友搬家。 自己也不是没搬过家,那时幸福的, 幸亏爸妈直接把unser驾上来, 我才能够有效力的搬完。而且妈妈那时还直接带了纸皮箱咯。夸张却贴心的,她对女儿的东西数量果然了解。哈哈。 这次搬家,我算是搬最少东西的了,全程是负责守着车, 只是拿过几次东西。但是,早上起来,全身痛了,肩膀和手都musclepain. 果然是少运动的小姐。
pimp myspace with Gickr

但是有开心到的,一天能帮上两个人, 比起自己去游玩,快乐是加倍的。哈哈。难得那么有用嘛。。哈哈。