August 31, 2009

牛年 - 笨牛 - 小牛

what a COW COW day...
i want to blame WxTSON pharmacy, for having the non-transparent plastic bags.
wondering y?

a windy evening, ....
imagine I DUMPED my dompet with a WXTSON plastic bags.

next morning, i started my operasi cari dompet. i went for a thorough check and search, even wearing a glove searching my dustbin, yak yak... still found nothing.. sobsob when everything getting so "grey", having high possibility being pendatang haram and can't drive Sasa. i just can pray for miracle. that is when i stop serching n wait for half n hour for it to pop out. meanwhile giving myself time to recall where i put. but, it seems not working.

on that very minute, i asked my kakak。 OMG! i have a smart n pretty kakak, who so smart, kept the WXTSON bag n predicted somebody will come n ask for it. she swept floor and felt it is heavier than ordinary rubbish bags, then she saw a dompet inside. . haha. so so so good, so happy on that moment. Rainbow after the rain!

---> 年, 笨寻找钱包, 结果被老们 MoO mOo 了一整天。可恶。。

August 29, 2009



- 哈哈-

August 25, 2009

Is the ”LIFT" Confusing?


  • 有的 "哎哟,电梯不是上楼的哦!"
  • 有的 滔滔不绝,讲个不停。 " 矣?忘了按几楼啊!"
  • 有的 "异, 做么过了我那楼的? 忘了出去meh? "
  • 有的 "到了吗?到了啊?那么久,真是烂!"
  • 有的 "Paiseh 咯,按错几楼了"
  • 有的 “开门?关门?哎呀,你按啦,我不会分!” 

  • 有的 “不行,我晕了,我晕了“
  • 有的 就跟紧急铃拼了,死都不放手
  • 有的 对着传播器 “来人啊!”
  • 有的 心静自然凉
  • 有的 "又来?习惯就好. "

你又做过多少样啊? 嘻嘻!
结论是 :电梯小姐很重要!瓦卡卡!

August 24, 2009


Shifting house is an interesting job i thought at first. Imagine having a better environment, meeting new people, and everything is just start from the zero again.

But, in fact, i just realise shifting house is a difficult task, especially when there is no kuli can help out, dust make u "ha chi ha chi " upteen times, many big plastic bags and yet not enough to put all your things in, endless stacking of books out of the shelf, mind always flooded with "Clear" and "Throw" words

Even surrounded by the nostalgia feelings when found out some good memories things, reluctance to move out cos missing those happy days, complaining so many $ spent on belongings till now need to clear so many stuffs

U have been long with me, U guarded my house, Without U i can't have a good sleep, U are the one, U always be with me whenever i go.....My house key, with the creative Hens and chicky picture... gonna miss u as no longer have the chance to use anymore. weeps ... bye bye le .. Good bye.... i shall be reserving the happy memories and keep moving forward....

August 23, 2009




= 下勤劳面具




  1. 不用听到讲师的唠叨
  2. 不用爬山去学校
  3. 不会有机会碰到多多汗的黑人
  4. 也少了那些 Yo来 Yo去的黑人腔
  5. 电梯也好像更周到,一按就会冲上来
  6. 麦当当也多了小孩子的欢乐声
  7. 俺可24小时看见不用工作的斗斗
  8. 斗斗和司奶可来个下午茶
放假就如新开始, 歇一歇,停一停; 然后再冲冲冲, 斗斗斗
  • 有益身心
  • 又让人快活
  • 能让人增寿
  • 可减少压力
  • 促进食欲
  • 放松心情
  • 学校省电费
  • 厕所省水费
  • 校巴省油钱

August 18, 2009

H - A - P - P - Y

Hearing nice music

A bunch of friends

People mountain people see

Penny(RM) also spent less

Yahoo! that is my Tuesday...

Today really a happy day
at least this is a day i can free my mind from the "headaches"..
thx everyone.... really so enjoy... haha..
i just wanna shout and i manage to do that.
la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la .. la ..

August 17, 2009


today so "malang", suey dao............
suspected either no bring heart out to street, or no bring my brain to school.

today after exam, finally release stress, settle all things, went toilet to "extinguish small fire", "dumb!",what a nice small voice.....i din erm erm also. short de button suddenly drop jo..i thought is small case, dim ji, it dropped into the MANGKUK....ishhhhh, luckily that is only the extra button, not really obvious.

going to old town, "nanyang kopi-o ice" satu. talk n chit chat. eyes looking other place, but hand
feel a black rode-like thing on table, y my straw is outside? then wanna put back to the drinks. half way putting in only realise, oh gosh... that is the pencil la. bad oldtown, pencil also can same colour with the straw.. trick ppl meh?

back to home, after a refreshing bath, go take some yogurt drink, "ping piang", sot de, chili sauce can just drop to my leg..want to remind me long time no use also no need give hints till so obvious ma...

watch drama till half way, seems forgotten something.. Matress i dumped in to wash this morning STILL in the washing machine. Nevermind, now hang also can. yih? why machine is openned? so good got ppl hung for me d? no wo, still there, summore why got slippery feel de? only recall back i din close the cover! in short, the machine only fill water n drain. something like "gan lao"

what a messy day!

August 15, 2009

It's time

no talk ------ no see ------ no hear

Too many things to consider
Too much confusion
Too little communication
Can only act as (above).
Mama Chen also agree i have reached the highest meditation level. haha.

Made a difficult decision
I need to let go!
Just hope miracle will happens.
Hope time will heal the wound
Tomorrow a better day.
- ARGH -

i need a pair of ears and a broad shoulder
a tumbler of water and a box of tissue

August 13, 2009

Hepi Bufday....

(enlarge can see clearer)
to gorgor... with lups

ding ding ding, this is the card, meimei n i do together for our dear brother using paint...huhu
tomolo is his birthday..

showing off over here....wakaka

hope he will always in the pink of health.
wish he sails to the harbour of success
pray that miracle always happen to him

August 08, 2009

ViVi !

ViVi, luckily u r there, protecting my gong gong n popo.

yeah... ViVi is the car car.



^^Bus bus



this obviously proved that, Vivi is strong enough, gong gong's effort in bathing u every weekend is worth. shampooing u will no longer synonym as wasting water. Luckily grandparents are alright although Vivi need to hospitalize for a few days.

Not really know who is the one should be blamed, but i choose to trust my gong gong.. He is 84, still a driver, so? who is the witnesses? where is the prove? if no, police uncle, if u have "eaten" something, i dun care, but don't push all fault to my gong gong. accident can't caused by 1 person, but both side. ok? u got minum kopi, my grandpa also got minum teh. u got flower on ur shoulder, gong gong also got gold in his teeth. so, dun kacau him, my gong gong even got an advantage over you ! He got a pretty lady behind him...(my popo) huhu.

Vivi, ur sacrification is worth, i SALUTE u. Thumbs Up

August 04, 2009

So good if...

Final is comiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig, i got WISHES

so good if
this world has no paper, no pen, no computer, no OHP, no LCD, no whiteboard, no blackboard

then i will
no need write, no need attend class, no need go for exam , no need copy notes, no need see bad lecturer, no need do assignment

so good if
my school no stairs, no slope, no blackie, no glass doors

then i will
no need climbs stairs, no need walk slope, no need scare darkness, and no need bang the doors

< : (( >
is time back to study

August 03, 2009

扫漆 ...



(参加婚礼算是比较稳重的借口来安抚曾妈。。 嘻嘻)

坐到屁屁痛 等到尿尿急 挨到颈颈酸

~ 嘻嘻 ~


August 02, 2009


loooooooong time no back IPOH d...

miss ipoh food
miss ipoh town
miss ipoh ppl
miss ipoh building
miss ipoh highway
miss ipoh smell
miss ipoh water
miss ipoh house

ps weeps
i can't go home....
~ charm ~


很快 真得很快
从此 过着美满幸福人生
惊讶 听到喜讯

开心 表哥有人要了
担心 不懂当天俺有上课吗

心痛 阿姨皮包薄了 (大势装修新郎房 钱如流水)


发觉 好多东西要筹备
开心 有分配到工作 (带位员)

伤心 学业忙, 帮不上筹备功夫

好笑 阿姨过度紧张

可悲 姨丈不什么帮忙

吓倒 阿姨家果然注重本

夸张 用怡保的气球和拜神东西 (曾妈还要用快递的呐)


恍然 阿姨家布置得好漂亮哦

发现 少爷和曾妈在布置上很有天分

吓倒 甜品及食物一大堆

可怕 食物把冰箱挤满

失望 食物原来重“量”不重“种” (每种食物可供 〉2 派对分量)

开心 又有家庭约会了 (八卦时间)

开怀 趣事一罗罗

劳累 帮忙打包 (提供又吃又包的服务给客人)

伤心 大家说 我胖了 (立志要减肥了)

一小时前 (接新娘)

眼睡 七点多就要出发 (吉日)

骄傲 一共六辆花车 接新娘

紧张 不懂表哥会不会被玩惨了

有趣 新娘车是Mercedes... 司机马来人,不懂规矩, 我们要超越它 (他还驾110km/hr)
奇妙 到新娘家前, 花车全部突然想起各自的车笛声
好笑 讨价还价, 终于接到了 (亲家害怕我们不娶了,还多番帮忙解危)

一小时前 (敬茶仪式 - 新郎家)

可怕 塞车 有突击示威行动

紧张 需要走紧急车道

好笑 警察会抓我吗?(新郎问)

机灵 回答警察,今天我是王, 娶不到是不是你负责?

放心 刚刚在吉时前到达

骄傲 曾马突然成了大 kum 姐

耀眼 相机闪光灯 滔滔不绝

疲惫 嘴巴没停过 (啃啊 八啊 笑啊 叫啊)