September 29, 2009

Tanglung festive...

blink blink blink
here the mid autumn festival comes....what have you prepare?
prepare ur eyes to see nice creative lantern?
prepare ur mouth to eat yum yum rich moon cakes?
prepare your hand to play candles?
prepare your wallet to "treat" your parents?
prepare your saliva to "bopet bopet" during gathering?

Mid autumn wor...a good chance to find VICTIM again for my "products"..haha. this time is AGAR-AGAR mooncake...

^^soya bean agar mooncake^^Sunkist agar mooncake^^Grape agar mooncake

^^last year do de.

wow, seems no improvement but worsen wo?
erm...i think maybe is the camera problem. not same resolution..wakaka

September 20, 2009

RAYA is NOT the biggest event

Your Raya is nothing concern with those anuties n uncle who standing and waited
u for an HOUR. if u can't make it, then DON"T SELL THE TICKET... you are really selfish and shame on you as a MALAYSIAN, when even tourists also look down on you. 77

You din mean to apology and feeling guilt, even shouted rudely when the passengers ask for the reason u being late.

Imagining an express bus driver late for an hour still assuming he was right, shouted ORANG TAK PAYAH SEMBAHYANG KE?" i bet u that ur sembahyang WOULD NEVER COME TRUE!!! even u wake up early to pray ur anchester, they would not respect u..because U NO RESPECT TO THE 未来栋梁。

Cheezy choco squares...

Today while waiting my rambutan seeds to be soaked n boiled, an idea popped out..
tink tink tink...
Equipment in the food lab shhh..... + own bought ingredients = brownies.
successfully 1st time made! then, i refrigerated it

But, everything is so unpredictable!!!
AGAIN, suddenly the whole school building was blacked off. Yeah, once again, this is not the 1st time.
All final project student rushed their fastest 100m to lab to settle the mess, all lab apparatus and equipments were shutted off within seconds.
"OMG, my banana peels still in oven!"
"OMG, my fish will sting in the fridge!"
"OMG, my cookie dough just half done!"
"OMG, i need to re-count the drying time!"
"OMG, i need to redo the whole process!"
"OMG, my fremented juice!"
And i just noticed i have many "OMGs" also.
My rambutan seeds and cookie dough are in the fridge! pls dont mould so fast
My washed equipments still in the dryer. sobs, i need to LAP myself.
My brownies is in refrigerator! pls, melt in my mouth, not in the fridge
BAD timing!
After some strugglings, all things still ok, except my BROWNIES
remember? is cheezy....., n i started to see it melting with thin layer of water on top after 15 minutes.
Thus, supposingly it was a brownie, i cut into squares, enabling it to put into the small freezer to maintain the temperature.
Finally, transformed it into
cheezy choco SQUARES
if it really melted, i bet my tears will also flood n melt the lab.....wakaka

September 11, 2009


曾师奶从小就灌输一个无头绪的概念给我。 “吃种子的人,肚子或头会生出棵树来”。 因此从小连西瓜的种子也会吐出来。你妈妈有跟你讲过同样的东西吗?

问题来了,我的 FYP 竟然选中用红毛丹种子做饼干。天啊,有点怕怕的。不要肚子长出树苗啦。更可恶的是,几乎天天都会要试吃,惨了咯!而且全都在我试验中。 这么多年来,好像只有两个人做过。我就是第三个。

但今天真的创造了奇迹! 当然不是我头上真的长出树苗啦!我竟然成功作出第一批饼干。 本来没信心,没料到掀起了小热潮。大家都两协插刀,吃起来了,还说不够呢! 哈哈,有救了,等下生出树苗来也不会是我一个了,有人陪我了。 哈哈。但其实放心啦,我有做足工夫“去毒” 的。

只想谢谢你们愿意尝试,更感激你们竟然还立起了大拇指。 我会加油的。

September 10, 2009

1 Malaysia ?

为了响应 1 Malaysia,我委屈自己跟印度同胞同一屋檐下。哈哈。

常常对别人说,我看化了,看开了,其实怎么可能那么快放得下?只能说,人与人的感情不是容易得来的。即使你剩一个人 ,还是得向前走。

开始接近印度的文化, 天天都听印度歌,印度话。
从光亮颜色的房子, 改为暗沉的颜色。

天天用 ambiPure 来盖过所有味道,还是能熬过去的。
搞不好我有一天会讲流利的"unt deh deh "话呢!

September 04, 2009


A flick on the magazine reminded me of my baking utensils,
A sudden decision put my family members n workers' life at stake. wakaka

This time hope to make a special de.
My fren inspired me of making this type of cake.

ding ding ding....
〉Espresso Tofu Cake ...

Looks good? (black is espresso flavoured tofu)
Some praise is good, some praise is one dare to say NO GOOD.. wakaka It has the mouthfeel nearly same as soft cheesecake, but because i used the wrong type of tofu, so it ended up not so smooth.
~Good Trying~
*At least now i know Tofu got banyak jenis, not limited to Japanses tofu and The white tofu. Haha.
* special thx for my "mangsa" to try on my cake..