1st of all, wish to thank you Gorgor, Lao da, Ah Lun, Vileng, AMber and many buddy for helping me n comforting me. Imagine i was so helpless when i broke the lab equipment( a electronic balance's plug). at the same time was threatened that the thing cost rm 1000. BU HUI BA!
sleepless night for 3 days, kept thinking, either i will be extending my U days, till i manage to finish paying rm1k by washing dishes at school cafeteria, or ask from Ah LONG to get some money. sobsob, the sky was grey and the whole day i was under the moody cloud.
today, i truly believe in MIRACLE. tink tink tink. the day is again filled with miracle when dada + Lun manage to get me another new plug. oh.....so good la you all. i plugged in the plug n the weighing balance appear HELLO!. OMG, the world is so nice, n my life again filled with joy n speechless gratitude to u all. the whole day, i just cant stop smiling. Recalled back, feeling myself so fool that i trusted rm1k for a plug. kekekekekeke.
thank you so muchie for u gals, muaks.....
terima kasih, xiexie, nandiri, doh jie, kamsahamida, Arigato, Tomo.
MIRACLE always there when u need it........and do trust urself than otherS....otherS will not help u graduate...ok??? *hugsss....
haha, i believe in miracle, but i do believe in frens, you are a good example.. keke. muakmuaks
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