March 24, 2011

mood swing~danger

After passing up my thesis, now busy with the journal publication.  I rejected to publish my paper at 1st, but lecturer's nagging and his effort had changed my mind.  Also, i was given about 2 weeks to draft out.  In fact, i should be on the speedy mode, spending hours working on it.  However, everything just seem not right! my mood swing easily too. i become hot tempered and bossy. ; (  All stressed out and no one to choke." best described. 

what to blame? 
the hot weather, low quality sleep, boredom, loneliness n blah blah blah... what a shame!

this morning, was thinking to treat myself a goodie breakfast~mcd weekday breakfast.  what a long q when i got there.  happy enjoying my rm 4 breakfast but i was happy too soon.  my mood dropped when i ended up eating the BEEF JERKY ~RM80 ..... aiks... who to blame?  AI LIN lor.. i didnt dare to tell anyone verbally also, because it was my fault...@___@.

few days "Locked" at home,  many thoughts in my mind.  my carreer, my life, my family, my relationship, my friends, my financial issues and alot more.... therefore,  i wish i will be a man on next life, because i heard that man only think of one thing at one time, unlike women who multi-tasking always.  heee

I went to popular bookstore to make some readings.  Arrived at the parking lot, i was tricked by the wind. yes, i mean the blowing wind.  i was about to take my ticket back inside my car, who knows... whistl.......and my ticket FLEW away. Oh gosh... DANG! im so stupid! i couldnt hold a thin piece of ticket properly! I pulled the brake and get down the car to search for it.  Found it slipped under the back tyre. swt..embarassed, even though only a car queued behind.

and this week, honestly, everyday is so dull, so colourless, so moody and so not-expecting. argh..... i need a work, to clear all the negative charge! 

* I hate being Negative *


Anonymous said...

jia you ailin~i understand ur feeling...i have been few months jobless at home...every1 say "wah so good can rest at home" but nth do at home reali not a good thg XD if nth to worry den it is...anyway jia you lar fren...everythg will be fine...negative mind plz go away!!!

Pui Man

Amelie said...

thx so much...ur comfort is so persuading. i will take it as the challenge, good things always worth waiting. :) all the best to u too

the Coconut