May 12, 2010

No U-turn

Yesterday we went to a eating place where there is an aquarium nearby. Watching fishes from short distance, suddenly realising why fishes always gather at the side of the aquarium. Wondering and cracking the coconut, a sudden answer from a friend woke me up!

I just realised that fishes didn't have the capability to turn into reverse mode lah!! They only swim forward! what a dumb dumb coconut. I was shocked to amaze. Canceling all my doubts, thought fishes enjoy mini gathering or even because due to the light intensity. I salute this capability as they will always looking forward, moving forward without hesitation. Unless they have other "more experienced" fish with them along, would figure out some ways to make others to swim in a U turn direction!

Brilliant...Thumbs up, didnt u think it was so Geng! ==!

Just a sharing. Sounds dumb dumb but i think it is really interesting to know that. kaka


AmBeR said...

change skin again o.. hehe.. fish gather one side becasue scare kena "lao seong lei makan" nt meh.. hahaha

Amelie said...

I think they din know they will "bei lao siong lei" delo, if not, where will so relax "yau lei yau hui"